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Mailgw Web Contact Form

Mailgw users can edit their Web-Mail settings online.

With a Mailgw account, you can setup a Web-Mail contact form so that people can send you a message without you having to post an email address on your webpages. Email addresses that are published online can easily be collected by spam email robots and spiders which crawl the web. With a contact form, users can still get in touch with you but in a manner that you control.


Mailgw uses a couple of security measures to make sure that your account name and other details are not exposed to the outside world.

  • The authentication information is fully encrypted.
  • You can change the internal password whenever necessary to ensure that spammers can't use your WebMail form remotely.
  • Internal time stamps make sure that it is a normal user and not a robot that is sending you mail.

It is not perfect but we hope that it will cut down on the number of spam messages you receive.


Here's a simple example of what your users would see if you had a web contact form. The real form contains more fields and information. You can use use an option to have the form written in other languages including: French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Your Name (Required)
Your Email Address (Required)

Body text of the message:

Javascript Example

If you want to preserve your site's look and feel then you can use the Javascript option and have Mailgw draw the contact form into a page on your site. Here's an example:

Please click here to visit my webmail form.

Here's the HTML code for the above form. The auth string is provided by the system and is specific to your account and password.

<div id="webmail">Please click here to visit <a href="https://mailgw.com/w?au=e34ed630b6815446528f4e269f42837e">my webmail form</a>.</div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open('GET', 'https://mai' + 'lgw.com/cgi-bin/webmail?au=e34ed630b6815446528f4e269f42837e&if=1&' + new Date().getTime(), false);
xmlHttp.send(null); var resp = xmlHttp.responseText;
if (resp && resp.indexOf("worked123") > 0) { var e = document.getElementById('webmail'); if (e) { e.innerHTML = resp; }}

Please consider donating money to the cause, putting a link to us on your page, and spreading the word about Mailgw.
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